Sorry it has been a little bit since my last post... Lots going on.
Last night I was re-arranging the bunnies room. (which is going to be so cute when I am all done.) *Reminder, they are not completely together yet, due to them not exactly wanting to share their space.* While moving a shelf I had to move the gate/fence in the middle of the room that divides the area, and Ru sneaked out of her area and was snooping around Remy's area. As soon as Remy seen her he went running up to her. He was so excited, they chased eachother, or I guess I should say Remy chased her. Then Remy went into her area and was getting into everything and eating her hay. Which happens to be the same as his, but he wants nothing to do with his own hay. I guess the grass is greener on the other side. LOL
Then they would go up to eachother rub faces, then chase again. Remy was so excited he did a sideways hop, where he kinda kicks his feet out to the side as he is jumping. It is the cutest thing.
I did put the fence back up later. But it is good to know that they are slowly getting use to sharing the area.
I love my fur babies.
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